Monday, 24 December 2012

Minute by minute...

We have finally passed that very important day...the winter solstice.  Although it didn't bring the end of the world as predicted, I was much more excited about the fact that the days are now officially getting longer, minute by minute!  But with sunrise currently at 8.05am and sunset at 3.55pm, there's still a long way to go.

Training report
Friday 21st December
8.3km run into work.  Fast, easy, and fun! My fitness definitely has improved noticeably after the bootcamp - I'd have been pretty gutted if it hadn't after all that pain!

Saturday 22nd December
8km intervals around Tooting Common. Again my fitness is noticeably better but it was a treacherous run around the common which was pretty much completely waterlogged after all this rain and flooding. It was quite hard to keep up my sprint sections when I was going through 5cm deep puddles, muddy bogs and wed leaves. No faceplants but very soggy feet.

Coming up next
Monday 24th December
Long run home from work. Will try to do about 12/13km by going home via Putney.

Tuesday 25th December
A short run before the eating commences!

Wednesday 26th December
10km run locally

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